Variables Needed to Right Size a Kubernetes Cluster

Variables Needed to Right Size a Kubernetes Cluster

Variables Needed to Right Size a Kubernetes Cluster

Variables Needed to Right Size a Kubernetes Cluster

Variables Needed to Right Size a Kubernetes Cluster

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Use these variables to determine if you need to right size your Kubernetes cluster.

đź—ť Key metrics

  • CPU
  • Memory
  • Storage (usually this isn’t a limiting actor)
  • GPU (if you have it)

You will need to collect data on these metrics over a period of time. Preferably 3+ months and try to include any peak seasons or events.

We then take the average of the 95th percentile of all requests. We disregard the top 5% of requests in order to get rid of any anomalies while still accounting for peak usage.

If your averages are over 80% or under 60% of your possible utilization, then now is a good time to consider a right sizing.

P.S. When was the last time you did this for your resources?