Five Years of DevsOperative

Five Years of DevsOperative

Five Years of DevsOperative

Five Years of DevsOperative

Five Years of DevsOperative

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When I started DevsOperative in 2019, I had big dreams.

Five years later, things look different...

We started as A Kubernetes Company ↳ Now we offer full service software development.

I'm still as passionate about Kubernetes as I was 5 years ago - a big reason why DevsOperative is a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider. I've learned we can provide more value by offering a complete development solution.

I thought we would work with big enterprises ↳ Now we focus on partnering with small businesses to help them get the most out of their technology.

Relationships are powerful. I love that our new strategy allows us to invest in people.

I wanted DevsOperative to be a place some of my closest friends could work. ↳ This will always be true. Our leadership team has been together for the better part of 10 years! This isn't changing any time soon 😄

Just talk with us and you'll notice the difference our team can make.

P.S. Is your business struggling with technology?